Response to AAUP Budget Questions

At yesterday’s Senate meeting, Provost Callahan responded to AAUP’s budget questions (which were originally asked at the October budget meeting of University Senate). We will be able to share her presentation when the Senate minutes are published [it is now available and archived on this site here]. Her presentation was chock-full of information and we are very grateful for the amount of work she and the Office of Institutional Research put into gathering and presenting the data. The numbers on the decline in tenure-line faculty and the compensating hiring of contingent faculty align with our numbers. Some data that has been hard to get hold of was revealed; for instance, there were slides on the number of credit hours taught by faculty at each rank, important information that helps us see to what degree the university relies on contingent labor. Questions remain. Some—big questions about spending priorities and how they are affecting Miami’s educational mission—have been forwarded to Cody Powell/Campus Planning, Fiscal Priorities Committee, the Athletics Director and the Board of Trustees, and we hope to hear more soon.

A few specific points:
(1) I am not sure our question about benefits cost-shifting was answered; instead, Miami’s benefit rate was reported as being the highest among Ohio public doctoral institutions. I don’t know how to evaluate this point and its relationship to the issues in the previous post on this website. I will look forward to discussing it at the AAUP Lunchtime Chat on Health Plans on April 22. [Read a helpful comment on the benefit rate issue below.]
(2) Business faculty raises are far higher than in other units, not only by amount but by percentage, and I was curious about whether FSB raises come from the same pool as raises at the rest of the university—anyone know?
(3) Our chapter’s assertion that the university spends only 1/4 of the overall budget on instruction was questioned, and the provost showed us a pie-chart allotting 37% to instruction. I clarified that instructional salaries and benefits account for 26.3% of MU expenses and asked what else she was including in the instructional expense category. She said she did not know but would find out.

Gratitude to the University Senate for voting to get these questions answered and again to the Provost for her efforts. Our chapter will continue to work to make university finances more transparent.





3 responses to “Response to AAUP Budget Questions”

  1. Cathy Wagner Avatar
    Cathy Wagner

    A note from a member about the benefits question above: “We have a high (40% )fringe rate compared to other schools. The fringe rate is what HR estimates we should put aside in order to pay expected claims for the coming year. It is not a measure of how much our benefits actually cost or provide. It is a projection. It is also reported as a percentage of salaries. I believe that benefit/eligible staff salaries are part of the fringe calculations (It would be good to find this out for certain) so even if faculty salaries are getting closer to the norm for our state, if staff salaries are lower than the norm (which seems likely to me) than our fringe rate is likely to appear higher than the norm. The lower the salary aggregate total is, the higher the fringe percentage will be for the same amount of actual dollars in benefits claims. So the high fringe rate may be telling us that we have comparatively lower salaries, rather than more expensive benefits than our peer institutions.”

  2. […] So that our chapter membership and others will have easy access to it, we’re posting Provost Callahan’s April 11 Senate presentation on the AAUP budget questions here. We look forward to your comments and questions about the information on the slides and what still needs to be answered. Our first quick take on the questions is here. […]

  3. […] Accomplishments, Sets Goals.” Among other things, we’ve successfully pushed for more budget transparency, strongly influenced the position profile used to hire our new president, drew local and national […]

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