Tabernanthe iboga plant in Gabon

MU faculty at risk of unjust termination

A situation of grave concern to Miami faculty, staff, and students is currently unfolding on campus. Two Miami professors are under threat of what we believe to be unfair and unnecessary termination, and a staff member has been forced to resign. Please support your colleagues by signing our petition to Miami leadership.

Last fall, the administration was notified that a plant of scientific and cultural interest growing in The Conservatory at Hamilton was supposedly a “Schedule I” controlled substance. The university’s response has been out of proportion to any possible offense.

For alleged, disputed violations of the university’s drug policy (more on this below), Dan Gladish and John Cinnamon, two valued senior faculty members, were suspended with pay and barred from campus and from contact with students, disrupting their students’ education and especially the progress of Gladish’s graduate students. They were informed that their tenure would be revoked and that their contracts would not be renewed. 

Gladish’s appeal to the Committee on Faculty Rights and Responsibilities will be reviewed in the fall. Cinnamon is currently on medical leave, but his case will be taken up when he returns. Brian Grubb, the manager of the conservatory, has resigned under pressure of termination. If the professors’ appeals are not successful, they, too, will soon lose their jobs. 

We understand that the details of their case (condensed here) will be debated by the Faculty Rights and Responsibilities Committee and by lawyers for the faculty members and the university. By making this statement, we do not attempt to substitute our judgement on legal matters for theirs. We do, however, feel that there was a rush to apply the harshest possible penalties to actions that have harmed no one.

The plant in question, Tabernanthe iboga, is used in traditional West African religious ceremonies studied by Cinnamon, associate professor of anthropology. More than a decade ago, he gave seeds to The Conservatory. The plant has been part of the collection for many years without incident (and is also to be found in the collections of other universities and public gardens, including University of Colorado, University of California–Davis, the New York Botanical Garden, Ohio State [formerly], Smith College [formerly], and elsewhere).* Last summer, some surplus seedlings were taken home by a student worker (with permission of the manager). This was reported to Dean Cathy Bishop-Clark, who called the Miami police, who called the DEA. An investigation was conducted, but no arrests were made or charges filed. Despite that, the manager was forced to resign, the student was suspended, and two professors face termination.

Violations of the Drug-Free Workplace Act are a serious matter that could result in the revocation of federal contracts, and Miami has many millions of dollars’ worth of them. Cautionary action would be understandable. But no “drugs” were found on campus in this case—only a plant of cultural and scientific interest grown for educational purposes at multiple other institutions. A product of the mature root bark of the iboga plant, ibogaine, is on the DEA’s list of Schedule I substances, but whether the Tabernanthe iboga plant counts as a controlled substance is unclear. Even if ibogaine had been found, the Drug-Free Workplace Act does not require termination of the employees involved.

Miami’s administration has gone far beyond what is required of it by law. The plant’s presence harmed no one—until the administration got involved. UC Davis conservatory director Ernesto Sandoval has called the terminations “a disservice to students.” In his view, “to fire [the professors and the conservatory manager] as a result of one plant in the collection meant to inspire and educate students is, in my opinion, a serious overreaction towards people whose life goal is to further the cause of knowledge in general and plant science in particular.” 

While it is incumbent upon us as faculty to resist policies that threaten to erode academic freedom, we do not see this as merely a matter of self-interest. The removal of the Director and Manager of The Conservatory threatens the survival of a valuable collection and the loss of years of institutional knowledge. Furthermore, it is an insult to the generous donor who worked with Professor Gladish to make The Conservatory a reality.

The case raises serious questions about the direction of Miami University. The apparent willingness to squander its own resources—dedicated and respected faculty, the well-being of students, a collection of scientific value, and community goodwill—does not inspire confidence.If you are troubled by these unfair decisions to terminate faculty and staff, please sign our petition requesting that they be reinstated.


Correction: Both University of Connecticut and the US Botanical Gardens have informed us that their attempts to propagate Tabernanthe iboga failed and that they do not currently have the plant in their collections. We have removed them from this list and are grateful for the correction from their collections managers (7/6/2019).





9 responses to “MU faculty at risk of unjust termination”

  1. Noeleen McIlvenna Avatar
    Noeleen McIlvenna

    At face value, this is beyond absurd.

  2. Dr. ing. Edgar E. Kooijman Avatar
    Dr. ing. Edgar E. Kooijman

    It seems to me that a more tempered response to the arisen situation is called for. Terminating faculty without due process and a clear and transparent investigation is never ok. It is clear to me that the MU administration’s response is an overreaction of a massive scale. If not retracted it will erode all credibility of MU and do unrepairable harm to students. That can never be the mission of any university!

  3. Susan E Ramlo, PhD Avatar
    Susan E Ramlo, PhD

    This is a clear violation of academic freedom where a situation has been blown completely out of control by an administrator and subsequently more administrators. I think everyone needs to step back and take a big breath and rethink this situation calmly and do the right thing (which does not involve terminations and should lead to a refusal to accept the resignation of the staff member).

  4. Anna Phillips Avatar
    Anna Phillips

    In this time of crises over opioids and other substances, there has been a rush to take “corrective” measures on all fronts. I would expect more thought from a University. Surely some weight should be given to the character of the parties involved and to the fact that the plant in question has been on site for ten years without incident.
    I know Brian Grubb personally and know that he is a man of honesty, kindness and virtue. I cannot believe that his reputation, his very livelihood has been placed in jeopardy. Please reconsider this hasty, misinformed decision.

  5. Ann Coombs Avatar
    Ann Coombs

    Very sad, dDan Gladish is the one who recommended a conservatory many years ago and is very respected professor ..
    Brian Grubb has done a lot to promote The Conservatory and education of public.

  6. Paul Schaeffer Avatar
    Paul Schaeffer

    An appalling example of Miami’s reactionary attitudes.

    1. Jeremy Rich, Marywood University Avatar
      Jeremy Rich, Marywood University

      Absolutely appalling to not consider alternatives to termination.

  7. Joseph E Armstrong, Emeritus Professor of Botany Avatar

    As a term “drug” has no useful meaning. No drugs were involved, only a plant from which a controlled substance could be extracted. Most Schedule 1 controlled substances are narcotics, meaning they produce a narcosis. Ibogaine is a psychoactive, a hallucinogen, by definition almost the exact opposite of a narcotic, and it has even shown some promise in treating opioid addiction. But as a plant in a conservatory collection it’s potential for abuse is near zero. Prof. Gladish knows this; his dean does not. But no one asked. And then to suggest his termination as a solution is absurd and a total over reaction. Such plants are not uncommon in university collections because they generate teachable moments. Aa Dean owes Dan Gladish an spology. Some how you expect more out of administrators than knee jerk reactions, even as it applies to zero-tolerance rules, which are never a good idea other than they don’t require information or thinking.

  8. […] in the fall. Cinnamon will take up his case when he returns from medical leave, according to a letter written by the president of Miami’s chapter of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP), Cathy […]

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