Cards signed by Miami faculty and librarians
Great news! The Ohio State Employment Relations Board (SERB) has finished counting our submitted union cards and has confirmed via signed affidavit that FAM has majority support. This means that a majority of the faculty and librarians in our 1,000-person proposed unit supports our efforts to unionize. FAM has so much support, in fact, that it is legally possible for the university to recognize our unit outright if they wish (Miami, like most employers, will require an election—which we look forward to winning).Miami leadership has tried to maximize exclusion by limiting the unit to tenure-line faculty. FAM is working with legal counsel to build a strong case for maximizing faculty inclusion, including non-tenure-track faculty and librarians. The final decision about the composition of the bargaining unit will be made by the Ohio State Employment Relations Board.
After that, the next step is an election to form a faculty union. We will keep everyone informed as we move through this exciting process!
Please spread this news widely! Find FAM on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter @famiamioh. You can also help support our union and the upcoming election by signing the FAM Mission Statement and submitting a faculty testimonial.
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