On Friday, March 3, 2023 in Marcum Center, a brilliant group of our colleagues were awarded tenure — the strongest protection for academic freedom there is, but one that’s under threat all over the country. In this uncertain legislative environment, a union contract can defend against threats to academic freedom. That’s why a large group of faculty (including librarians) and students went to Marcum Friday to stand in solidarity with newly tenured and promoted faculty. Together, we asked the Board to end the administration’s union-busting and let us vote. (Read speeches to the Board of Trustees by Theresa Kulbaga, Daniel Hall, and Cathy Wagner.)
it’s been 268 days and counting since FAM submitted cards signed by a supermajority of faculty across categories.
Though the state of Ohio has confirmed that there is majority support for FAM, Miami’s administration has taken every opportunity to delay a union vote, and it’s been 268 days and counting since FAM submitted union authorization cards signed by a supermajority of faculty across categories. If the Board of Trustees didn’t know it before, they know it now: Miami faculty are one faculty. It’s our demonstrated preference to vote together and unionize together. At any time, the Board can tell Miami’s administration to stop throwing money away on a useless divide-and-delay campaign. The Board showed respect for faculty today by promoting and tenuring them. Now, let them respect Miami faculty’s demonstrated wish to vote together on forming a collective bargaining unit.
Read speeches to the Board of Trustees by Theresa Kulbaga, Daniel Hall, and Cathy Wagner.
Congratulations to all our colleagues and students who came together to speak truth to power on Friday. That’s how, together, we’ll win a collective bargaining unit and negotiate a great union contract. We’re just getting started!And congratulations to our colleagues who were granted tenure and promotion Friday. You deserve strong shared governance and fair compensation. With your colleagues across job titles, campuses and divisions, you deserve a say in your working conditions so that you can educate your students well and pursue your research freely.
FAM Organizing Committee
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