When Miami has faculty donating plasma to make ends meet, something is wrong. Today at the faculty negotiation table we presented a pay and compensation proposal that fights for your wallet and works to ensure a liveable wage for all our members. Other news below on management’s communications about post-tenure review, grievance and arbitration, and more.
FAM’s Compensation Proposal
Our proposal increases salaries for all members well beyond recent experience. We believe that you deserve equitable compensation that keeps pace with inflation. Also, we want to bring Miami faculty salaries in line with our peer institutions in Ohio.
FAM’s compensation proposal starts with a 4% raise retroactive to July 2023, increased promotional rates, and minimum salaries for each rank for the first-time ever. We then add three years of raises, each in three parts—
- Across-the-board percentage increase to move all our unit members to higher salaries,
- A flat-dollar amount to increase salaries faster for those below the average faculty salary. This will be a percentage of the entire salary pool split evenly among all members.
- Eligibility for merit raises.
In 2024–25, this three-way pool is 9.5% — a 6% base raise for everyone, a 2% pool for splitting, and a 1.5% merit raise. This 3-way pool would amount to 6.5% in the second and third years of the contract. In addition, the proposal funds equity adjustments as well as market adjustments. No matter your current salary, you win with our proposal. Here is how these pieces play out over the span of the contract:
Rank | Average increase in base salary |
Assistant TT/T | 35% |
Associate TT/T | 34% |
Full TT/T | 31% |
Assistant TCPL | 53% |
Associate TCPL | 61% |
Full TCPL | 74% |
Faculty Average | 39% |
Due Process Protections
We introduced a new counter proposal on Grievance and Arbitration, which is the mechanism that allows you to find resolution when your CBA is broken by Management. Whereas Management attempted to limit what you could grieve and what an arbitrator could rule on, we expanded the definition of what would be grievable and ensure that your rights would not only be protected, but also enforceable (regardless of the topic) in arbitration. We increased your protection when filing a grievance against one of your supervisors – you should never have to leave the decision for dispute resolution in the hands of someone who bullied or harassed you.
Post-tenure Review
“If the administration thinks post-tenure review that can result in termination is a good idea for Miami University, then let them SAY IT!…Make the case that this makes us better than our competitive peers.”
Sam Morris’s statement on university management’s Faculty Evaluation proposal
Our team pressed Management on their post-bargaining updates, particularly their intentional misrepresentation to not only you but others in our academic community about their Faculty Evaluation proposal. Not only did they mislead you in their communication by omitting the most dangerous part of their proposal – the fact that they seek to be able to terminate you based on your performance in a post-tenure review – but they refused to walk it back. Read Lead Negotiator Sam Morris’s statement on the matter (“If the administration thinks post-tenure review that can result in termination is a good idea for Miami University, then let them SAY IT! . . . Make the case that this makes us better than our competitive peers”).
Other news
FAM proposed a counter on Purpose (see file 06). Management presented another counter (see file 07) after lunch, which FAM was able to tentatively agree on. Management likewise introduced counters for Dues Deduction and Appointment and Promotion of Tenure-Track and Tenured Faculty. Finally, FAM introduced a Departmental Workload Policies proposal, which would help balance your hours and workload activities to make it responsive to your teaching load. However, we are reviewing this proposal based on new information specific to Ohio labor law.
Coming up next
FAM-L (librarian unit) will bargain at the Clinical Health Sciences building this Thursday, December 21. FAM-T (tenured, tenure-track & TCPL unit) negotiations resume in the new year on January 17. You can RSVP for specific location and Zoom info for this and other upcoming bargaining sessions at http://tinyurl.com/FAMBargaining.
Solidarity from your FAM Negotiating Team!
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