FAM Index

Context for FAM’s Pay Proposal*

Average annual raise FAM initially proposed to help address increases in your cost of living: 7%

Source: FAM-T Initial Proposal on Compensation, December 19, 2023.

An average raise of 7% per year for the 3 years of the contract was FAM’s initial proposal, and while it was a fair and reasonable proposal bearing in mind cost-of-living increases in recent years and Miami’s excellent financial condition, we are working in good faith toward a number both sides can agree on. Current numbers from FAM and Management are here.

To find out how current FAM and management raise proposals would affect you, use FAM’s Pay Calculators.

Average annual raise management initially proposed for you: 1.4%:

Miami University Initial Proposal on FAM-T Compensation, April 17, 2024. Management took four months to respond with its initial raise proposal, which would have resulted in a total raise over 3 years of only 5.75%.

Current numbers from FAM and Management are here.

To find out how current FAM and management raises would affect you, use FAM’s Pay Calculators.

Average salary increase for full-time faculty at all ranks nationwide last year: 4.1%
Amount by which real average faculty salaries decreased last year nationwide (after raises): 2.8%
Increase in spending on upper administration salaries at Miami (institutional support) from 2016 to 2022: 30.9%
Increase in instructional spending at Miami from 2016 to 2022: 7.5%
Annual median salary of a tenure-eligible line at Miami: $95,459

2023 salary data provided by MU administration

Annual median salary of a TCPL line at Miami: $68,094

2023 salary data provided by MU administration

Annual median salary of a librarian line at Miami: $60,785

2023 salary data provided by MU administration

Annual bonus for Miami President Crawford from 2022 to 2027: $75,000
Number of median-salaried tenure lines MU football coach’s $850,000 annual salary + bonus could cover if redirected:

Miami University Public Records and 2023 salary data provided by MU administration

Number of years Miami has posted an end-of-year net operating cash flow surplus, out of the last ten: 10/10
Of these, percentage of years that surplus exceeded $50 million: 100%
Of these, percentage of years that surplus exceeded $100 million: 70%
Average surplus over last ten years: $109 million
Est. annual cost of FAM pay proposal for each year of contract: $15 million

Conservatively generous estimate based on salary data provided by MU administration

Percentage of the average yearly surplus that would remain available after a 7% raise for bargaining unit members next year: 86%
Moody’s and Fitch’s bond ratings for Miami, respectively—noting “strong financial position, favorable student demand, and…substantial absolute wealth of $1.6 billion” and “ample operating liquidity”:
Aa3 and AA

moodys.com and fitchratings.com (subscription needed)

Miami’s rank among Ohio public universities for financial viability and net income: 1 and 1

Ohio Department of Higher Education, Campus Accountability, 2023

Date at which US higher education enrollments hit a low point and started to grow again, according to federal data: 2021
Amount by which US higher ed enrollments are projected to increase between 2021 and 2031: 9%

*See Howard Bunsis’ recent analysis of Miami’s financials.
Estimate your pay post-contract with FAM’s Pay Calculators.

How to build the power you need to win the contract you want:
Membership and active involvement in your union!

McAlevey, Jane. Rules to Win By: Power and Participation in Union Negotiations. New York: Oxford University Press, 2023 — and FAM’s allies across the higher education labor movement


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