It was a busy day at the FAM-L table today, protecting our job security and rights with nearly a dozen proposals and agreements discussed. Most importantly, we made progress on the key Discipline and Discharge proposal that prohibits arbitrary action and assures fair and equitable working conditions. We moved forward with proposals on health and safety and credit-bearing courses, and we staunchly defended the scope of duties and promotion criteria for our members.
In turn, management passed across a handful of counter-proposals, showing no desire to move closer to FAM’s language in any of them. Most of today’s counters revolved around the librarian promotion and rank process including articles on Scope of Librarian Duties, Annual Evaluations, Personnel Committee, Librarian Ranks, Probationary Period, and Promotion and Continuing Contract. These articles send librarians backward and radically change current processes around scope of duties, evaluation, and promotion. Management persists in refusing to acknowledge the actual issues librarians face, and instead invent “solutions” to imaginary problems.
Copies of all articles passed at the table are linked at the top of our
FAM-L article tracker. Read the latest version of each article.
We are likely to receive a compensation proposal at the next session. If it’s anything like management’s proposal to FAM-T of a 1.4% average annual raise*, it’s sure to raise some eyebrows—and solidarity fists. Meanwhile, come out to the Budget Symposium Monday (3:30 at Benton 102) in RED and show management what you’re worth!
* fun fact: if you add up their proposed TOTAL raise percentage over the three years (5.75%), it’s less than FAM’s proposed AVERAGE (7% per year).
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