Theresa Kulbaga, co-chair of FAM's Negotiating Team, wearing a red FAM t-shirt and a hat, raises her fist while speaking into a megaphone at FAM's Rally for Raises at the tree-lined Seal on Miami's Oxford Campus

Theresa Kulbaga on management’s efforts to undo existing job security

Theresa Kulbaga, one of FAM’s lead negotiators, spoke at FAM’s Rally for Raises on September 20, 2024 about the importance of protecting job security in our contract:

We have to be ready to take action on more than compensation. Management is using first contract negotiations to try to undo existing job security for faculty and librarians at all levels.

  • Librarians: management have been refusing to put existing job protections and promotion policies into the contract. This is not acceptable.
  • TCPL faculty: management have been refusing to put current job protections and policy into the contract, undoing current policy that came about through years of shared governance. This is not acceptable.
  • Tenured faculty: management proposed a new, punitive post-tenure review policy like they have in Texas and Florida. They want to make it easier to fire tenured faculty. At the University of Florida, where faculty are fleeing the state, nearly a fifth of professors failed a similar post-tenure review in what has been called a “rushed and unfair process” with “narrow and inflexible” metrics. We have a robust existing annual evaluation process and tenured faculty can already be terminated for just cause. Management’s proposal undoes tenure protections and is not acceptable.

Your Negotiation Team doesn’t want to stand for this, but in order to win we need YOU to show management that This Is Not Acceptable!

Job security is under attack! What do we do? Stand up, fight back!


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