Rally for Raises!

FAM, it’s time to choose your future and show management you won’t accept raises averaging only 1.25% over the course of the contract.

On Friday, September 20, Miami’s key decisionmakers, the Board of Trustees, will meet during a crucial phase in negotiations. Let’s seize the moment! That day at noon, FAM members will Rally for Raises to demand that the Board agrees to a fair contract and the robust raises faculty and librarians deserve.

RSVP here to Rally for Raises!

Friday, September 20
Time & Place: Meet 12:00pm at the Seal behind Roudebush. Wear RED!

A strong turnout is the difference between a contract with strong raises and academic freedom protections and one without. Which future do you chooseLet us know you’re attending, and bring your colleagues!



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2 responses to “Rally for Raises!”

  1. M Carrafiello Avatar
    M Carrafiello

    “Rally” means to revive enthusiasm within a group that may have become dispirited. Should be a “march” since you are protesting something (lack of raises) and trying to move an external entity to action.

    Alliteration is fine, but words really do matter! “March for Raises” sounds more consequential , doesn’t it?

    Apologies for being the doubting Thomas here. Right cause. Wrong terminology.

    1. Faculty Alliance of Miami Avatar
      Faculty Alliance of Miami

      Thank you Michael! That’s for sure one meaning of rally, and it applies perfectly for those among us who are disheartened by the unionbusting management has engaged in for the past year. But we meant “rally” mostly in one of the many more positive senses. Given the turnout and enthusiastic participation, we were right!

      n. a mass meeting intended to arouse group enthusiasm; v: to muster for a common purpose, to arouse for action; to come together again to renew an effort; to join in a common cause.

      If you’re interested in getting active with FAM, do join us at an organizing meeting — we’d love your input there!

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