FAM-L Bargaining, Day 22

At today’s negotiations, Management rejected our package proposal on Discipline & Discharge and Academic Freedom. Management doesn’t believe librarians should have academic freedom, which is essential to our role supporting the crucial work of faculty and students as well as for our own research. We won’t let this go; we will continue to fight to win academic freedom for all our members.

Management responded with their own package of Discipline & Discharge/Grievance & Arbitration. One interesting fact we learned from management’s package counter is the restructuring of Human Resources and Academic Personnel, which are being combined into one office. Management is hiring another consulting firm to guide this restructuring. How much is Miami spending on consultants while not paying faculty and librarians? 

We proposed a counter on the Personnel Committee proposal, which discusses the purpose and membership of the committee that oversees the promotion and continuing contract process of our librarians. Our team is standing firm that employees in supervisory roles should not be eligible to review applications for promotion and continuing contract. We hope to see a counter at the next bargaining session. Management also countered on benefits. Their counter is similar to the one they proposed at faculty negotiations, and our team is currently preparing a counter.

Join the Practice Picket!

We are still waiting for a fair contract with fair compensation. We will continue to make noise until we have made this future a reality. Join us Friday, October 18, from 12-2 for the Practice Picket! It’s time to choose your future and show management you are committed to getting paid your worth (and won’t back down). Answers to your questions about the Practice Picket here. We’ll meet in front of Roudebush on High Street — RSVP here!

Can’t make it to the picket? Send a colleague, and join us next week for bargaining: FAM-L on Tuesday, 10/22 at Demske and FAM-T on Thursday, 10/24 at Wilks Conference Center in Hamilton.

FAM Fact of the Day

Did you know that President Crawford’s recent bonus of $75,000 is more than the individual annual salaries of all but five librarians in the bargaining unit?

PS: Get answers here to your questions about raises, job security, pace of bargaining, and more.






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