Practice Picket!

This Friday, October 18, join a crowd of your colleagues at noon in front of Roudebush for a Practice Picket. To “picket” is to stand or walk outside a workplace to draw attention to an issue workers have with their employer. Our Practice Picket is part of our escalating contract campaign to tell management that colleagues are united behind our negotiating team’s efforts to win a fair contract. It’s a chance to also educate students, parents, and other community members about how we are fighting for a better Miami.

For more information, read FAM’s Practice Picket FAQ we put together, plus this explainer from a UPS organizer about how practice picketing worked for the recent UPS contract campaign, which won historic gains:

It’s the pressure you and your colleagues put on now that will determine how soon we will be able to vote on a contract and how good that contract is. Wear red on Friday and bring your colleagues! Please RSVP.






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