A joint press release by Faculty Alliance of Miami (FAM) and Ohio Federation of Teachers (OFT)
February 25, 2025
OXFORD, OHIO — The Faculty Alliance of Miami (FAM), which represents 830 faculty members and librarians at Miami University, reached a tentative agreement with the university Monday evening on a first contract for faculty that includes fair raises and a voice on critical academic issues. FAM members will vote in the coming weeks on ratification of the agreement, which was reached after a year and a half of negotiating sessions.
“This historic contract respects the experience and knowledge of our faculty by providing job security, fair compensation, and a clear process to resolve disputes,” said Theresa Kulbaga, an English professor and lead negotiator for FAM. “This is a landmark deal at Miami University that’s been years in the making.”
At a time of heightened political attacks against institutions of higher education, the agreement protects academic freedom by ensuring faculty can teach and engage in research without fear of retaliation. FAM members will also have a real voice in future actions and decisions around the role of artificial intelligence under the new contract.
The agreement will help Miami continue to recruit and retain exceptional faculty by increasing wages by more than 9% over the three year contract, instituting transparent and fair tenure and promotion processes, and resolving disputes through a fair grievance procedure that includes arbitration.
“I am thrilled to stand in solidarity with my colleagues as we mark this milestone and continue to build on this contract into the future,” said Biology professor and negotiating team member Hank Stevens. “We really appreciate the encouragement and support we’ve received from so many people in our community, especially our student allies who share our commitment to making Miami the best learning and working environment possible.”
The Faculty Alliance of Miami represents faculty and librarians at Miami University and is affiliated with the American Association of University Professors and the American Federation of Teachers.

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