Now more than ever, we must stand together as a union. Across the country and state, we see attacks on workers’ rights, rising costs of living, and corporate interests trying to weaken the very organizations that fight for fair wages, safe working conditions, and respect on the job. We see legislative and executive attacks on education and on the most vulnerable members of our campus and community. But here’s the truth: when we stand together, we win. Read our full statement on the importance of unions in these times.
O, economics / O, economics / wherefore art thou, economics?
Management has held all remaining articles on economics (Compensation, Professional Development, and Benefits) for nearly two months without counters. They told us this morning that we would see these articles – but then failed to deliver. This is yet another example of how management is trying to drag these negotiations out.
Still, we made important gains by the end of the day. After months of intense negotiations, we were able to finalize and reach Tentative Agreement (TA) on our Promotion and Continuing Contract article. This is a big win for our librarian members! This article codifies the process for attaining promotion in rank and attaining continuing contract, a unique status for Miami librarians that establishes a level of job security. It also includes explicit criteria for promotion for the first time ever and will allow our members to dispute and correct factual errors in their evaluation letters. With this TA, both sides agree to withdraw articles on Mandatory Furloughs and Financial Exigency, holding to current policy. The union will be notified of any library layoffs and has the right to bargain the effects of layoffs.
We have been bargaining for more than 525 days. We spend hours at bargaining waiting for management to do their work or even make a decision. Despite these obvious union-busting tactics, we have been able to claim some major victories throughout this entire process. Make sure to check out our new “10 FAM Wins” video with an all-star cast of Negotiation Team members and allies! With perseverance and solidarity, we are gaining ground every day. 💪🏽
Be sure to RSVP for our General Membership Meeting!
Who: members only (you can join at the door!)
What: get the latest scoops and help us strategize.
When: Tuesday, Feb. 11 at 9:00 am
Where: King Library 320 and on Zoom (RSVP for the Zoom link!)
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