Lead negotiator Theresa Kulbaga (TK) signs the final TA agreement.

FAM-T Bargaining, Day 37

Today — on the 544th day of negotiating — FAM-T closed our first contract! 

Our team has reached tentative agreements (TA) on all outstanding articles, including Compensation, Financial Exigency and Academic Reorganization, and Appointment, Renewal, and Promotion of TCPL Faculty. The final agreement secures a 9.27% raise for our faculty, as compounded over three years starting back to July 1, 2023. You can calculate your new raises using our Pay Calculator

All finalized articles that will be up for ratification can be found on our website

Throughout this journey, we have secured stronger academic freedom protections than current policy; a historic agreement allowing us a voice regarding artificial intelligence; and a legally-binding process that will allow members to resolve workplace disputes. This contract will serve as a strong foundation for successor agreements in the coming years. Winning a first contract is itself a huge victory! 

We will share more details about the contract, as well as instructions on the ratification process, over the next few days. We will also hold membership meetings to discuss this landmark agreement and answer your questions about ratification. Please be on the lookout for those dates and times! (You must be a member to vote to ratify the contract. Join today!)

The fight isn’t over yet — join our Negotiation Team tomorrow at Demske in Oxford to witness FAM-L close their contract! 

We hope that you take tonight to celebrate our collective victory. We could not have made this contract without your work, actions, and ongoing solidarity.  







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