A brief summary of each article in our first librarian contract.

Annual Evaluations
Clarifies the process for submitting annual evaluations for both probationary librarians and librarians with continuing contract, codifying status quo.
Appointments / Appointment Notices
Defines the timing and content of the annual Notice of Appointment provided to new and continuing unit members.
Association Rights
Outlines how faculty union representatives (“Delegates”) can conduct union business during work hours without losing pay, provided they give advance notice. It also establishes provisions for FAM service credit recognition.
Benefits: All / Benefits: Most
Solidifies faculty benefits, including group insurance plans (medical, dental, vision), retirement options (OPERS or ARP), education benefits, and access to the university facilities, e.g., Employee Health Center and Rec Center. The contract requires any changes to insurance plans by the university be “substantially similar” to current offerings. The contract also limits, for the first time, premium increases, and guarantees that faculty will never pay more than non-bargaining unit faculty for benefits.
Benefits: Leaves / Other Leaves
Codifies that librarians are not required to work during university break periods and have job protections for various types of leave. Defines non-professional leaves, including paid sick days, parental leave (six weeks fully paid), family medical leave, and opportunities for unpaid personal leave.
Benefits: PD
Establishes a shared pool of PD funds that will be made available to all unit members, and a new PD committee that will approve requests and distribute funds. Also establishes an additional amount set aside for each unit member for the duration of the contract. Outlines and expands the allowable uses of PD funds (new for this contract: librarians can use PD funds to pay for professional memberships).
Benefits: Professional Leaves
Establishes what a Librarian Professional Improvement Leave (LPIL) is, eligibility and methods for how to apply for one, and clarifies what a librarian’s compensation and benefits would be for the duration of the LPIL. Notably, the article allows librarians to apply and be on an LPIL in the probationary period as well as after.
Benefits: Sick Leave
Outlines sick leave accrual for each unit member (15 days per year), as well as allowable reasons for taking leave. Mostly status quo, with the primary exception of bereavement. Librarians are allowed to use 5 days of sick leave for bereavement without additional arrangement. If more time away from work is needed, they may use other sick or vacation leave with the approval of their supervisor. If a librarian does not have enough days accrued, they may work with their supervisor to explore other options for taking time away from work for bereavement.
Benefits: Vacation
Outlines vacation leave accrual for each unit member (22 days per year, with a cap of 52 days). Also specifies that librarians do not have to use vacation days during days not scheduled to work, University-recognized holidays, or winter break. Also details payout for unused days upon separation from work.
Committee Procedures
Details the different methods for selection of membership to library committees: election, appointment, or PPR assignment. Also specifies that information about all library committees (including roster, charge, and membership terms) will be made available in the Library Staff Portal.
Articulates salary increases for academic years 2023-24, 24-25, 25-26 (2%, 3%, 2.5%), or a 7.69% raise with compounding on July 1, 2025. It requires the university to make two lump sum payments within 120 days of ratification (one payment equal to 2% of the bargaining unit member’s 23-24 base salary and one payment equal to 3% of their adjusted 24-25 salary).
Credit-Bearing Courses
This article confirms that Librarians may teach credit bearing courses as a part of their job or as an adjunct. It clearly defines how librarians may undertake this work and how to report this work.
Discipline and Discharge
Specifies standards and procedures for disciplinary action up to and including termination, including just cause and progressive discipline protections, procedures for pre-disciplinary meetings, and procedures for paid suspension pending investigation. See the Grievance and Arbitration article for further due process protections relevant to disciplinary cases.
Dues Deduction
Describes the process by which union dues will be deducted. Faculty members must sign a membership card with FAM, who will notify the University to deduct dues from member’s post-tax earnings. If faculty wish to revoke their membership, they must notify FAM in writing, who will in turn notify the University.
This article sets the duration of the contract, i.e., how long the contract will be valid and in effect. Our contract is set to end on June 30, 2026.
Grievance and Arbitration
Provides procedures for redressing violations of this collective bargaining agreement, including disciplinary actions lacking just cause. Provides for arbitration by a neutral third party if a grievance is unresolved after meeting with the dean and provost. Defines extent of arbitrator’s authority. Also provides special appeals processes for denial of tenure/promotion and for termination of tenured faculty members. Note: see article for important time limits applicable to the filing of grievances and appeals respectively.
Health, Safety, and Security
Commits the University to maintaining a safe working environment for faculty, requiring compliance with safety policies and providing necessary training and protective equipment. Faculty members must report safety concerns, complete assigned safety trainings, and adhere to drug and alcohol policies. Additionally, the University will ensure accessible lactation rooms and gender-neutral restrooms across campus buildings.
Individual P-Card Use
Ensures that all librarians whose PPR duties require the use of p-card will be able to have their request forwarded to Accounts Payable (after first obtaining their supervisor’s support).
IP & Copyright
Incorporates current policy on Intellectual Property into the contract.
Labor-Management Meetings
Establishes a Labor-Management Committee, which will discuss the facilitation of the contract and work on mutually beneficial solutions to issues that need to be solved.
Librarian Ranks
Defines the different ranks a librarian may hold throughout their career and differentiates the expectations of each rank.
Management Rights
Delineates the rights and responsibilities reserved to management, and acknowledges the continued role of shared governance bodies in advising management.
MOU: Artificial Intelligence
Requires the university to discuss AI policy with FAM in labor-management meetings.
No Strike/No Lockout
States that during the period of the contract neither FAM nor bargaining unit members may interrupt or interfere with the operations of the university.
Holds the university to principles of equal opportunity and freedom from discrimination. Requires the university to provide reasonable accommodation to bargaining unit members with disabilities. Allows the union or the university to resolve DEI issues in labor-management meetings.
Personnel Committee
Codifies current practice for Personnel Committee, including election of members, formation of ad-hoc committee for review of applications for promotion to Principal, and conflicts of interest involving supervisors of librarians.
Probationary Period
This article defines the standard probationary period for librarians as six years, and covers getting credit towards the probationary period, extensions to the probationary period and how to request such extensions, and how the probationary period may be waived.
Promotion and Continuing Contract
Covers the required criteria and processes for a librarian to be awarded promotion and/or continuing contract. It also codifies newly created illustrative tables regarding the criteria of service and scholarship, which will help librarians understand what would be required to obtain the ranks of Associate and Principal Librarian.
The Purpose article sets the purpose of the entire contract, i.e., to set the terms and conditions of employment and mechanisms to enforce the contract.
This article establishes that the University recognizes that the bargaining unit is legally represented by the Faculty Alliance of Miami. It includes information of who is included and excluded from the bargaining unit.
Scope of Duties
Codifies the different main components of librarian job duties: PPR, Service, and Scholarship. Allows for review and revision of a librarian’s PPR document once per year. Also outlines workweek expectations, including that flex time, compressed work days, remote days, etc., may vary each week with supervisor approval. Weekly allocation of PPR, service, and scholarship activities may also vary each week. Specifies that a 40-hour workweek is the norm, and that if a librarian consistently works over that amount, they may work with their supervisor to find a solution.
In the event that any section of the contract conflicts with law, that section only will be considered null and void. Further, on request of either party, the parties shall meet and discuss regarding replacement language.
Union Access to Information and Facilities
States that the university will provide FAM with office space and necessary information and will allow access to university facilities similarly to other non-student university organizations.
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