Category: FAM-T Bargaining

  • FAM-T Bargaining, Day 35

    FAM-T Bargaining, Day 35

    Today’s FAM-T bargaining session was a whirlwind of exchanged proposals — a total of ten proposals passed back and forth — and these are productive signs that both sides are gaining momentum to close this contract. We are down to key concepts, including compensation and job security, and today we got management to back down on…

  • FAM-T Bargaining, Day 34

    FAM-T Bargaining, Day 34

    New Year. New Management Lawyer. New Delays. On our 492nd day of working without a contract, we got to meet Management’s third new lawyer…along with all the other delays Management has brought to the process, including but not limited to: picking arbitrary fights, writing arcane interpretations of Ohio law that teeter on the edge of…

  • FAM-T Bargaining, Day 33

    FAM-T Bargaining, Day 33

    By now, you may have seen the news that management’s lead lawyer on the FAM-T side has stepped away, and will soon be replaced. Read FAM’s statement … Today at FAM-T bargaining, we had many surprisingly productive conversations with management about your top priorities: compensation and job security. FAM began the day by countering on…

  • FAM-T Bargaining, Day 32

    FAM-T Bargaining, Day 32

    Your Negotiation Team continues to fight for fair evaluations, job security, and benefits for our members. At FAM-T bargaining today, we countered on Leaves, Benefits, Financial Exigency and Academic Reorganization, and presented packages on Faculty Evaluations & Performance Improvement Plans, and Management Rights & Association Rights. These proposals protect our members’ benefits and job security…

  • FAM-T Bargaining, Day 31

    FAM-T Bargaining, Day 31

    Thanks to yesterday’s March for Thanks, we won three major agreements on our 439th day without a contract. YOU did this!

  • FAM-T Bargaining, Day 28

    FAM-T Bargaining, Day 28

    Today was a jam-packed day! We got management to respond on every outstanding article in their court — including Compensation. FAM’s actions over the past month are working, and we are seeing momentum at the table!

  • FAM-T Bargaining, Day 27: a win on Academic Freedom

    FAM-T Bargaining, Day 27: a win on Academic Freedom

    Thanks to YOUR hard work and actions over the past month, we WON academic freedom protections that are stronger than current policy! 💪 Today at FAM-T bargaining, we won the language on Academic Freedom that is a top priority for our members, including reference to the AAUP 1940 statement and its 1970 amendments. We also…

  • Theresa Kulbaga on management’s efforts to undo existing job security

    Theresa Kulbaga on management’s efforts to undo existing job security

    “They want to make it easier to fire tenured faculty. They are trying to undo current TCPL job protections that came about through years of shared governance. They are refusing to put existing job security and promotion policies for librarians into the contract.”

  • FAM-T Bargaining Update for 9/17/24

    FAM-T Bargaining Update for 9/17/24

    Major agreement with management: a tentative agreement (TA) on an article on Discipline and Discharge!