Category: FAM-T Bargaining

  • FAM-T Bargaining Update for 9/17/24

    FAM-T Bargaining Update for 9/17/24

    Major agreement with management: a tentative agreement (TA) on an article on Discipline and Discharge!

  • FAM-T Bargaining, Day 25

    FAM-T Bargaining, Day 25

    What was the theme of today’s FAM-T bargaining? Job security. Job security. Job security.  FAM countered on several key articles important to our members’ job promotion and job security protections: Appointment, Renewal, and Promotion of TCPL Faculty; Appointment and Promotion of Tenure Track and Tenured Faculty; and a package on Discipline and Discharge and Academic…

  • Rally for Raises!

    Rally for Raises!

    It’s time to choose your future and show management you won’t accept raises averaging only 1.25% over the course of the contract!

  • State of Bargaining: Update to Miami Senate

    State of Bargaining: Update to Miami Senate

    We have made progress! In several crucial areas, however, there’s still daylight between management’s and FAM’s proposals.

  • FAM-T Bargaining, Day 24 

    FAM-T Bargaining, Day 24 

    Yet another example of management wanting to erode faculty job security under an overly-broad definition of “management rights.” We will not accept this overreach.

  • A Special Joint Bargaining Update for FAM-T (August 7) and FAM-L (August 8)

    A Special Joint Bargaining Update for FAM-T (August 7) and FAM-L (August 8)

    We expect movement on management’s side, and that we are prepared to take action if they don’t.

  • FAM-T Bargaining, Day 22

    FAM-T Bargaining, Day 22

    FAM held fast to our Compensation proposal today at FAM-T bargaining. In response to management’s unacceptable 1.4% average annual salary increment, we held to our numbers (a robust 7% average annual salary increment, with a total raise over three years of the contract would be 26.5%) while compromising with some of management’s language, timelines, and…

  • FAM-T Bargaining, Day 21

    FAM-T Bargaining, Day 21

    Today at the FAM-T bargaining table, we presented a reworked proposal on Academic Freedom, which is of paramount importance for our members and is essential for preserving Miami University’s primary educational mission. The four traditional aspects of academic freedom include freedom of research, freedom of teaching, freedom of extramural speech, and freedom of intramural speech;…

  • FAM-T Bargaining, Day 20

    FAM-T Bargaining, Day 20

    Today was a super productive day at FAM-T bargaining: we came to two tentative agreements (TAs) and signed one MOU on Artificial Intelligence. The AI MOU is a significant win, and here’s the scoop: after rejecting our AI proposal last semester, management set up an AI task force to find out how AI impacts our…