Category: FAM-T Bargaining
FAM-T Bargaining, Day 3
“No” is a complete sentence, but so is “Yes, academic freedom is part of faculty working conditions!” Today, September 26, 2023, marked FAM-T’s third bargaining session. FAM’s Negotiating Team once again made the long drive to Voice of America to bargain the administration in good faith. The team were met with a number of frustrating…
Sam Morris’ Opening Statement and FAM’s Commitment to Miami’s Academic Future
Our class-sizes are swelling, our faculty lines are stagnant or shrinking or increasingly precarious, we are constantly being asked to do more with less and so many of us just find the fire to get it done because we love our students, we love our colleagues, we love our jobs, we love our University and…
Faculty Bargaining: Day 2
Tuesday, September 12th, marked our second bargaining session. Our negotiating team made progress in reinstituting suspended shared governance committees and more (see “On the plus side” below), but the team did encounter several frustrations. Miami’s outside lawyers 1) Continued to stonewall on our MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) asking for 2% raises to be extended to faculty in…
First Day of Bargaining!
Today, our faculty-librarian negotiating team sat at a long table across from two outside lawyers, a couple of lawyers from the Miami General Counsel office, and three deans from 10am till almost 7pm on the VoA campus. We had a collegial discussion and reached agreement on several items. Much remains to discuss! We can tell…
Why Librarians and Faculty Units Should Negotiate Together
Here’s the speech that librarian and FAM chief negotiator Ginny Boehme made at the table on the first day of bargaining to explain why the tenure-track/TCPL and librarian units should negotiate together: “When FAM first started organizing, librarians were included right from the get-go. To our faculty colleagues, we were considered an integral part of…