FAM Updates

  • FAM Index

    FAM Index

    Average annual raise FAM has proposed to help address increases in your cost of living: 7%. Management raise proposal: 1.4%. Cost of FAM pay proposal annually: $15 million. Average Miami surplus over last ten years: $109 million. Miami’s rank among Ohio public universities for financial viability and net income: 1 and 1.

  • “Miami University is in very strong financial condition.”

    “Miami University is in very strong financial condition.”

    Bunsis explained that Miami can easily afford FAM’s pay proposals without touching reserves. Faculty salaries are well below Miami-identified peer institutions at all campuses.

  • Librarian Contract Articles

    A brief summary of each article in our first librarian contract. Annual Evaluations Clarifies the process for submitting annual evaluations for both probationary librarians and librarians with continuing contract, codifying status quo. Appointments / Appointment Notices Defines the timing and content of the annual Notice of Appointment provided to new and continuing unit members. Association…

  • Faculty Contract Articles

    A brief summary of each article in our first faculty contract. Academic Freedom Goes beyond current Miami policy to assure the full application of the principles of academic freedom as defined by the American Association of University Professors, including recognition that “controversy is at the heart of the free academic inquiry” and that job security…

  • FAM-L Bargaining, Day 30

    FAM-L Bargaining, Day 30

    After 545 days of bargaining, we are excited to announce that we have closed our first FAM-L contract by reaching tentative agreements on Compensation, Professional Development, Benefits, and Duration. Librarians will receive a 7.69% raise for the three-year period from July 1, 2023 to July 1, 2026,, with potential for more should the Board of…

  • Faculty Alliance of Miami University Reaches Tentative Agreement on Contract

    A joint press release by Faculty Alliance of Miami (FAM) and Ohio Federation of Teachers (OFT) February 25, 2025 OXFORD, OHIO — The Faculty Alliance of Miami (FAM), which represents 830 faculty members and librarians at Miami University, reached a tentative agreement with the university Monday evening on a first contract for faculty that includes…

  • FAM-T Bargaining, Day 37

    FAM-T Bargaining, Day 37

    Today — on the 544th day of negotiating — FAM-T closed our first contract!  Our team has reached tentative agreements (TA) on all outstanding articles, including Compensation, Financial Exigency and Academic Reorganization, and Appointment, Renewal, and Promotion of TCPL Faculty. The final agreement secures a 9.27% raise for our faculty, as compounded over three years…

  • FAM-T Bargaining, Day 36

    FAM-T Bargaining, Day 36

    Today at FAM-T bargaining, we exchanged nearly all of our outstanding articles and made substantive progress on Compensation and TCPL job security. Most notably, we got management to agree to presumptive renewal for Full and Senior TCPL faculty — a major win for our members that we’ve been fighting for since 2023.  This win is…

  • FAM-L Bargaining, Day 30

    FAM-L Bargaining, Day 30

    Now more than ever, we must stand together as a union. Across the country and state, we see attacks on workers’ rights, rising costs of living, and corporate interests trying to weaken the very organizations that fight for fair wages, safe working conditions, and respect on the job. We see legislative and executive attacks on…

  • FAM, AAUP-AFT statement: We Must Stand Together 

    FAM, AAUP-AFT statement: We Must Stand Together 

    Across the country and state, we are seeing attacks on workers’ rights, education and on the most vulnerable members of our campus and community. But here’s the truth: when we stand together, we win.

  • “Don’t Freeze Us Out” Practice Picket

    “Don’t Freeze Us Out” Practice Picket

    On the first day of classes, January 27, let’s get out in the street and demand that Miami management stop freezing us out. Show your strength, FAM! RSVP here. What: “Don’t Freeze Us Out!” Practice Picket* 🪧. Wear anything red you have over your jacket (use your FAM tee as a scarf!)When: Monday, January 27, 12:30–1:30pmWhere:…