FAM Updates

  • FAM-T Bargaining, Day 4

    FAM-T Bargaining, Day 4

    In other news, there has been no response to the Faculty Assembly petition submitted by 116 faculty to reinstate the All-Faculty Committee on Evaluation of Administrators. Miami policy requires a Faculty Assembly meeting to be held within a month of the petition. That’s by November 13. Faculty are waiting. 

  • Trustees Block Shared Governance Committee

    Trustees Block Shared Governance Committee

    We write with a followup from today’s bargaining session about the All-Faculty Committee for the Evaluation of Administration of Administrators. After changing its story twice (first time: “we must pause committee until bargaining”; second time: “we can’t bargain about committee because it’s a shared governance issue”) — university management has arrived at a third way to get…

  • Faculty Petition to Reinstate Shared Governance Committee

    Faculty Petition to Reinstate Shared Governance Committee

    “Resolved, that the Faculty Assembly demands the immediate reinstatement of the All-Faculty Committee for Evaluation of Administrators as well as any similar divisional and departmental administrator evaluation committees that have been suspended.”

  • Reflections on Indigenous Peoples’ Day

    Reflections on Indigenous Peoples’ Day

    “While we’re here, Miami is what we make it. And if a poor kid from a warring tribe can stand in a classroom here and lecture about the value of remembering whose land we continually build Miami on, we all belong, and we all have a voice, and we all get to tell our story.…

  • Why Librarian Negotiations Matter to All Faculty

    In ways that might not be immediately obvious, librarian negotiations are vital to all FAM faculty.

  • FAM-L Opens Bargaining

    FAM-L Opens Bargaining

    Today marked the first day of negotiations for our FAM Librarians! Following introductions, our team presented an MOU regarding a 2% raise for all librarians in the bargaining unit. They also asked clarifying questions regarding an MOU for restarting paused committees. The University’s team will be returning next session with answers to those questions and…

  • Opening Statement by Ginny Boehme

    Opening Statement by Ginny Boehme

    “You have the power to change the anti-collegial atmosphere. You have the power to show us that you are willing to work with us. I sincerely hope you exercise that power. ”

  • FAM-T Bargaining, Day 3

    FAM-T Bargaining, Day 3

    “No” is a complete sentence, but so is “Yes, academic freedom is part of faculty working conditions!” Today, September 26, 2023, marked FAM-T’s third bargaining session. FAM’s Negotiating Team once again made the long drive to Voice of America to bargain the administration in good faith. The team were met with a number of frustrating…

  • Sam Morris’ Opening Statement and FAM’s Commitment to Miami’s Academic Future

    Sam Morris’ Opening Statement and FAM’s Commitment to Miami’s Academic Future

    Our class-sizes are swelling, our faculty lines are stagnant or shrinking or increasingly precarious, we are constantly being asked to do more with less and so many of us just find the fire to get it done because we love our students, we love our colleagues, we love our jobs, we love our University and…