FAM Pay Proposal Calculators

Use these calculators to get an estimation of how each compensation proposal would impact your paycheck! The tables under each fold-out section show the latest proposals that have crossed the negotiating table.

Do you deserve the FAM raise? And can Miami afford it?

FAM’s pay proposal was developed and costed out by a team including tenured professors in Finance, Economics, and Mathematics alongside a former chair of the Senate Faculty Welfare Committee. It is informed by research into contracts in Ohio and across the country, legal advice, and expert guidance from from national negotiators from AFT and AAUP with decades of experience.

Faculty have endured inflation of 23% over the last five years and have been undercompensated for many more. Miami can and should pay you fairly!

Need proof? Read the FAM Index: Context for FAM’s Pay Proposal or Professor Howard Bunsis’ analysis of Miami financials.

Pay calculator notes

• These salaries are estimates based on the latest proposals and are subject to change over the course of bargaining. • Faculty have 9-month contracts and librarians are 12-month employees. • You can enter any pay into the calculator, but check your email for your most recent appointment letter as they were not posted to Banner this year. • Rank minimum salary notes: The rank minimums listed below are not included in the calculators. To estimate, the proposed minimum rank salaries apply after a promotion raise is granted. Example: A $65,000 salary raised to associate professor is $75,000. This is boosted to $80,000 to meet the rank minimum. Then annual raises are added to the salary.

Faculty Pay Proposals and Calculator (updated 1/14/25)
  • In their latest proposal on Jan. 14, Management altered the structure of their proposal to incorporate lump sum payments in lieu of retroactive pay. They also increased their FY25 pay proposal by 0.25%.
  • Faculty compensation proposal history
Latest Management ProposalLatest FAM-T Proposal
At signing4% to base
+ two lump sum payments = 2% of salary for 23-24 and 2% for 24-25.
4% (retroactive to July 2023)
July 2024n/a6%
July 20252%5%
Rank Promotional RaisesTCPL: $5,000/$7,000
Tenure: $6,000/$9,000
Associate $10,000
Full $15,000
Minimum pay by rank
(9 month professors)
$55,000 for TCPL
$60,000 for Tenure-Track
Assistant $ 70,000
Associate $ 84,000
Full/Senior $ 104,000
Compensation proposal dated…14 January 202514 January 2025

Default starting pay and raises in this calculator are tuned for tenure-track promotions. Enter your pay in this calculator to get an estimation of how each proposal would impact your paycheck.

Faculty Pay Calculator

Librarian Pay Proposals and Calculator (Updated 12/13/24)

On Dec. 13 Management increased their librarian pay proposal 0.25% in the first year. They have also increased promotional raises. FAM countered the same day with similar reductions, but restructured their proposal to allow for future negotiations. Here is how these proposals currently compare. The contract duration is now proposed to end in June 2026, so the third year has been cut from both proposals.

Librarian compensation proposal history

Latest Management ProposalLatest FAM-L Proposal
Raise at signing2% at signing4% (retroactive to July 2023)
July 20242%$1,500 + 8%
July 20251.75%$1,200 + 6%
July 2026n/an/a
Rank Promotion raisesAssociate $5,500
Principal $8,000
Associate $10,000
Principal $15,000
Minimum pay by rank
(12-month librarians)
not offeredAssistant $ 70,000
Associate $ 84,000
Principal $ 104,000
Compensation proposal dated…13 Dec 202413 Dec 2024

Now use this calculator to get an estimation of how each proposal would impact your paycheck…

Librarian Pay Calculator

Inflation Calculator

This inflation calculator was designed for consumer products, but also works well for salaries. Enter your starting year and starting salary and learn how much you’d need to make today to keep current with inflation…

Source: usinflationcalculator.com