Tag: educational mission

  • What we’re all about and how to tell your friends

    Do you want to know more about the work our chapter does, or would you like to share information about the chapter with colleagues? We’ve now got a sweet little handout summarizing why we are here and what we do. Speak with any member or write us at miamiaaup@gmail.com to get copies of the below handout to distribute to…

  • “A very good business opportunity”: the Ohio higher-ed giveaway

    This is a complicated story but it’s important if you care about higher education in Ohio and higher-ed trends across the US. University of Akron’s President Scarborough had/has a bold plan to expand the university into satellite campusus—some outside the state—by taking over ITT Tech (the for-profit failure). How would he run them? By outsourcing…

  • Miami’s Presidential Finalist: Statement

    Yesterday, Miami’s AAUP Advocacy chapter released this statement on Miami’s presidential search and the just-announced finalist, Gregory Crawford: The Executive Committee of the Miami University AAUP Advocacy Chapter has worked to promote the hiring of a new president who would commit to a set of objectives. As enunciated last August and approved by the membership, here are…

  • Results of AAUP Chapter Faculty Survey

    A discussion of faculty morale was the agenda at today’s Faculty Assembly meeting, so it was a good time to release preliminary results of our survey about faculty concerns (you can still take the survey here). The discussion resulted in a commitment from the administration to survey faculty more formally and create an action plan…