Tag: FAM

  • Why Librarians and Faculty Units Should Negotiate Together

    Here’s the speech that librarian and FAM chief negotiator Ginny Boehme made at the table on the first day of bargaining to explain why the tenure-track/TCPL and librarian units should negotiate together: “When FAM first started organizing, librarians were included right from the get-go. To our faculty colleagues, we were considered an integral part of…

  • A Great Day for Miami

    A Great Day for Miami

    Great news! With support from a strong majority of Miami faculty, the Faculty Alliance of Miami (FAM) is thrilled to announce that we have filed to form a union with the American Association of University Professors (AAUP). On Friday, June 3rd, we submitted a petition for certification with the Ohio State Employment Relations Board (SERB).…

  • Miami Faculty are Forming a Union!

    Individually, faculty lack the power to change the current situation. But here’s the good news: together, you and your colleagues can change the balance. And an overwhelming majority of you told us you strongly support organizing a union! The time has come to join the 10 unionized public universities in Ohio–and to fight to save…