Tag: TCPL cap

  • A win in Senate! Faculty keep the power they are due.

    Update Tuesday January 29, 2020: Yesterday, Senate approved the Provost’s resolution to get rid of the cap on TCPL. But they made two very important changes to it. Deans must (formerly “may”) consult with faculty on faculty composition, and Senate will retain approval rights over divisional decisions. So faculty still have appropriate influence over who…

  • Monday’s Faculty Composition Vote

    Tomorrow, senators will take up SR 20-08, a resolution that would remove the cap on the number of TCPL faculty. The administration hopes the new policy will be passed right away. They say hiring needs demand it. But in fact, there is no urgency. Senate can simply move to raise the TCPL cap as a…

  • Factcheck on Provost’s TCPL Cap Argument

    Yesterday in Senate, the Provost made an argument for abolishing the TCPL cap. (The TCPL cap constrains the number of teaching professors, clinical and professional faculty and lecturers to a percentage of the number of tenure-line faculty). The Provost’s argument failed to mention an important option that would allow us to stand with him in…

  • Open Letter to Miami Senators

    Summary (please read proposed resolutions at end of letter): It’s in everyone’s interest to have more continuing faculty at Miami. But if we abolish the TCPL cap without enacting protections for our teacher-scholar model, we’ll fail to prevent further increases in contingent faculty and we’ll enable further declines in tenure lines.  Dear Senators: On Monday, you’ll…