FAM Updates

  • Why Miami Suspended the Administrator Evaluation Committee

    Why Miami Suspended the Administrator Evaluation Committee

    With the announcement of the new process for evaluating administrators, the fog surrounding the suspension of the Administrator Evaluation Committee has finally cleared. Management’s new process makes clear that the reason given for suspending the old process — that it risks direct dealing — was never the actual reason. (“Direct dealing” is when a boss negotiates directly with an individual employee on wages or working…

  • FAM-L Bargaining, Day 13

    FAM-L Bargaining, Day 13

    Today at FAM-L bargaining, our negotiating team worked to protect librarians’ promotion, tenure, and evaluation process and advocate for more manageable workloads. Meanwhile, management presented “solutions” that miss the realities of librarians’ day-to-day work — promotion procedures that put librarians’ progress at risk; arguing that service and scholarship don’t count as part of day-to-day work…

  • FAM-L Bargaining, Day 12

    FAM-L Bargaining, Day 12

    Today at FAM-L bargaining, management made clear that they will continue to chip away at shared governance and job security for librarians at Miami. While FAM’s proposals aim to improve working conditions for librarians, management is proposing to erode the rights and protections that librarians currently have.  For example, management’s proposal on Promotion and Continuing…

  • FAM-L Bargaining, Day 11

    FAM-L Bargaining, Day 11

    Today was a proud day for FAM-L: We have now completed submitting our proposed contract articles outlining our vision for librarians at Miami University. Under our proposals, Miami would become a better place to work and study, and we would be able to carry out our mission of high quality education and research more effectively. This…

  • FAM-T Bargaining, Day 15

    FAM-T Bargaining, Day 15

    After the Bunsis presentation, FAM and management each shared multiple counter-proposals (which you can view at our website). Of special interest is our Faculty Evaluations counter, which protects faculty against bias in student evaluations and provides clarity about how TCPL faculty are evaluated. Most importantly, we rejected management’s overreaching post-tenure review provision, a completely unnecessary and…

  • “Miami University is in very strong financial condition.”

    “Miami University is in very strong financial condition.”

    Bunsis explained that Miami can easily afford FAM’s pay proposals without touching reserves. Faculty salaries are well below Miami-identified peer institutions at all campuses.

  • Can Miami afford raises for faculty?

    Can Miami afford raises for faculty?

    Update: View the slides from Howard Bunsis’ Analysis of the Financial Situation of Miami University, presented at Wednesday’s FAM-T bargaining session. If you attend one bargaining session this year, attend the one on Wednesday, March 13. Other important sessions are coming up — but this one is not to be missed because Dr. Howard Bunsis, expert…

  • FAM-T Bargaining, Day 14

    FAM-T Bargaining, Day 14

    At the FAM-T table today, we vehemently rejected the administration’s proposal on Management Rights. Their Management Rights proposal gives sweeping and unilateral power to administration, including the power to control the content and style of our teaching—a clear violation of faculty academic freedom. As FAM said at the table, the idea that administration can control…

  • FAM Political Education Meeting!

    FAM Political Education Meeting!

    It’s time to end gerrymandering in Ohio! For our universities, schools and communities. We can do it.