Tag: tenure-line faculty

  • Open Letter to Miami Senators

    Summary (please read proposed resolutions at end of letter): It’s in everyone’s interest to have more continuing faculty at Miami. But if we abolish the TCPL cap without enacting protections for our teacher-scholar model, we’ll fail to prevent further increases in contingent faculty and we’ll enable further declines in tenure lines.  Dear Senators: On Monday, you’ll…

  • Tenure-line and non-tenure-line at Miami: the real numbers

    Tenure-line and non-tenure-line at Miami: the real numbers

    Minutes posted this week for the April 23, 2018 meeting of Senate contained a significant correction. A chart on overall full-time faculty distribution that had been handed out at the meeting seemed to show that tenure-line hiring was trending up significantly. The correction in the minutes shows that that is not the case. Tenure-line numbers…

  • Why should contingency matter to tenure-line faculty?

    Why should contingency matter to tenure-line faculty?

    First, what’s contingency? As defined by the GAO* and AAUP, “contingent faculty” is an umbrella term encompassing all non-tenure-system faculty — that is, faculty who, to different degrees, experience precarity. Contingent faculty teach about 60% of the credit hours taught at Miami.  Contingency matters a LOT to tenure-line faculty. Why? Reduction in TT numbers leads to increased service…

  • Miami & Your Money 2016

      Chapter Director of Research David Walsh, with the help of co-president Cathy Wagner, gave an in-depth and fascinating presentation tonight sharing new data gathered by the chapter and giving a faculty-view perspective on salaries, benefits, and staffing at Miami. Highlights: • Large administrative raises over the last ten years as compared to faculty raises (some…